This last week, I've read a mini essay in the Signs of Life book. This article was titled, "Virtual Popularity Isn't Cool-It's Pathetic" by Ian Daley. In the article Daly explains how people spend way too much time on social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). His point is WHY? Why spend all of this time that you could be doing something productive with on social media? He continues on to ask the question: "Would you go out for coffee with all of the people you're 'friends' with? The answer that most would answer with is no. He also states that while most people spend their time on social media, they can be working.
I agree with Daly's essay. I am also guilty of doing the exact thing he states. Spending way too much unnecessary time on social media. If the amount of time spent on Instagram was spent doing something productive, then I would so much more accomplished right now in my life. Not saying, it would be a drastic change, but I think for some it definitely can be. The fact that we as a society get so caught up in others is just not okay. Staying in touch with family, ok that's understandable. However, when you're just on it to be nosey in others business then that's when we need to stop. What do we get out of doing that? Absolutely nothing. Don't get me wrong, it can be very beneficial. When a problem in society occurs, once it's posted on a social media site, it'll spread like wildfire.
I totally agree with you Rhilee! It is so sad to see our generations so consumed in the social media world, but you are right it can beneficial. it all depends on how we decide to use these sites and how we view them. We can use them to spread the word of good and positive news, rather than starting drama with others. Trust me, none of us need that drama, haha. I must say I am guilty of always have my phone on me and constantly checking it every second.