Recently, I've read an interesting article having to do with commercials that appeal to a certain sex at a certain hour of the day. In Steve Craig's article entitled "Men's Men and Women's Women" he gives a few examples of how commercials have certain little aspects that categorize them into four different categories: Men's Men, Women's Women, Men's Women & Women's Men. For example, when summarizing a Men's Women commercial Craig states, "Men's women are portrayed as physically attractive, slim, and usually young and white, frequently blonde, and almost always dressed in revealing clothing." As for a Women's men commercial he states, "He's a good looking, sensitive, romantic, and he appreciates her." Furthermore, he explains how Men's women commercials are usually showed in the evening when the man is home for work, relaxing and watching some tv or on the weekends when sporting events are usually aired. As for the women's men commercials it tells how they are usually showed during the day when the women are home.
My response may be totally off the wall but I'm responding in regards to Craig's time of day in terms of the commercials airing on television. The fact that the Men's women commercials are usually aired during the evening time (assuming they are home from work) is acceptable. That's usually what happens. Dad, husband, boyfriend, single man comes home from a long day at work gets comfortable, grabs a beer and watches a little tv before bed. HOWEVER, I don't consider myself a feminist but in this particular blog, I just might… The fact that Craig states that the Women's men commercials are aired during the day because women are usually home (inferring that the women doesn't work and stays home) in a way kind of offends me. I don't like how that is something that is just predicted now a' days. I thought the age of sexism was out and washed away. It shouldn't be assumed that women are home and not fulfilling their careers. I am most definitely over thinking that little portion of the article but I can't help it if it bothers me. Nothing against the stay at home mothers. I know they are always working hard at home. When Craig pointed it out, it just led me into deep thought. I won't ramble and ramble anymore. I think I got my point across. Ok I'm done now.